Programming a Clogged Toilet

Yesterday morning, I was disoriented.

I entered the bathroom and hastily placed my soap box on the sink. It tilted and my two big chunks of soap fell. I picked them up, trying to control the urge to pee. After attending to my needs, I picked up the soap bars to clean them up, but one slipped straight through the toilet bowl.

Oops. My bad. I am not this clumsy when I am normal. What might have caused such klutziness. I let the soap be. If it wants to travel the dreaded pipes rather than touch my body, then so be it. (Kasalanan pa ng sabon.)

Thankfully, the bad luck didn't come in three's.

However, this deemed to be a concern to my housemates. They can't flush the toilet. But thanks to my genius housemate, P, who thought of unthinkable ways on how to get rid of the soap and make the toilet activities return to the normal state. Want to know how he did it? Take a look at his means.

Clogged Toilet

//The next problem we are going to solve using java is declogging a toilet clogged with a highly dense soap known as

void declogTheFreakinToilet(Chemical moriatic_acid, Stick tingting)
boolean fumes = pourMoriaticAcid(100); //in mL

coverThePugNose(Object wetcloth);
wait(1); //in hours
stillCoverPugNoseJustInCase(Object wetcloth);
wait(1); //in hours

wait(.5); //in hours


 declogTheFreakinToilet( moriatic_acid,tingting);

//man this is awsome its a java program to unclog the toilet
//theory: soap --> base, moriatic --> acid
//base + acid --> salt hihihi

He actually relayed his solution to me via facebook's notes. Whoa. Yes, he is a computer engineering graduate and he loves electronics so pardon him. I just can spot one error that would make the whole program invalid. To start with, the soap was not safeguard, it was a pink Maxi Peel. Aha. That would completely defy this whole thing. Ahaha.

But anyway, P. You rock. As an engineer and as a clogged toilet declogger. Yes, I am a fan or irony and made up words. :P Visit his geeky blog:

Foot Notes: A geeky post to cover up a blurry issue in my current life. I hope I could take beautiful shots tomorrow. xD Nite, ladies.

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