{B} is for Boomlet

Hey there. 
I finally have my AFP certificate or at least my boyfriend has it. I had it delivered to my office back home and asked J to pick it up for me because I can't because I'm still here. Here it is. 
I can finally say with confidence that I am indeed an Associate Financial Planner of the Philippines! Yayyy me. I have been waiting for this since February. I can finally put it in me resume, in LinkedIn page and announce it on Facebook so that I can practice my financial skills on my friends. That is, if they trust me. Hahaha. Seriously, I want to help Filipinos on how to manage their finances. I am starting with myself. Then maybe on a few friends. I hope somebody would volunteer. All experts started as a beginner so I have high hopes.  ;)

In case you haven't noticed the title it's {B} is for Boomlet. I'm participating on April A to Z challenge and I am left behind. It's the 8th now and I should be on the letter H now! Howdy! But I am not giving up just yet. Boomlet is the root name of my other website The Boomlet Diaries. It's supposed to be a website for freelancing your way to financial freedom. It's all about investments, how freelancing can help you get to it, how online gigs help you get to it. BUT, I haven't organized it that much. I don't have a business plan and I am planning to fail. I should get my butt to work. 
The Inspiration

I have rekindled my passion for my first ever website upon changing on this Savvy with Saving blog. She has a day job, but she is having these side hustles of writing online for more money. Yeah, I related to her and so I followed her and this pushed me to organize my thoughts and my blogs. I used to have this monthly goals and writing gigs covered on my other personal blog where I rant about it. I didn't want to do it here because maybe you'll find me boastful or something. I stopped blogging there so maybe I can spare myself the trouble of having too many blog persona and just blog here. Well, except for my overly dramatic poetry and essays which I post in The Lust Manifesto. I feel so scattered now. Oh no. So maybe I can dump all of my interests here. You wouldn't mind it, right? I want to organize my thoughts and my blogs. Yes? Thank you!
SO yes, this blog is still undergoing a major reconstruction apart from the new layout which all you guys adored! Thank you for that. I love love love it very much I spent hours figuring out what was wrong with the code on why it wouldn't work on this blog for the first time. 
I blabbed again. Pft. But, hey hey this is going to be fun. Expect more mixed blog posts starting now. ;)

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