
Showing posts from March, 2011


Today, I am inspired.  My project is close to getting closed, but I still have to work on something.  I have met people who has the same interests as mine! And we're hoping to do something BIG. :D I am waiting for my free book from BookSneeze. My Triond daily earnings increased to some cents. Haha. Hoping to make more.

The Dame's Life Rules

happy jumping girl , a photo by River Beach on Flickr. I want to be happy all the time. Who doesn't? Unfortunately, the days aren't enough for me to do everything that I want. :/ For instance, I am so sleepy right now, but I want to blog. Haha. I am enjoying my life as a single, 23-year old young prof. I'd be old in no time. Independence dances around me, but my feet are still tied to some responsibilities and limitations. Pft. Anyway, here are my get-happy moves. The Dame's Life Rules  Hope you can relate. Or, try at least one. :D

My Internet Service Provider Sucks. BIG Time.

photo credits: My online life is so dead. Blame it to some lousy internet service provider. I want my internet back. I want my internet back. So bad. Right now. :[ Read my rant here: Tips in Dealing with Your Internet Service Provider 

A Full Saturday Only Happens Occasionally

This day started out perfect, with his voice the first one I've heard. He finally called. :] I told him I miss talking to him and he called me the next day. As I got up from my air bed, I think some air followed my feet -- I felt like floating. Then, I remembered what keeps me happy at home in a Saturday, the internet! I crept in on the other bedroom to power up the router. I hurriedly turned on my company laptop (since it's faster than my own), but I didn't see the glorious blue bubble, which means no internet ! It's as if the clouds on my feet parted ways and I end up falling into a deep trench. The absence of internet on a Saturday will slowly kill me. So, I mentally arranged my itinerary for the day. I still have articles due so, I included the mall in the list. There's free wifi there and I could sit inside the Global Pinoy Center the whole day. My day's kinda loong and there were numerous things that occurred in my so called Saturday life, so I'm gon...

I Used To Be Vain 01

When I was younger, I used to take photos of myself using my cellphone/my Canon camera and edit it on Photoshop. I had the time, patience and passion to do that. See my edited picture? I have to open my Friendster account to get them. I'll post one a week to remind me how thin I was. For inspiration, mostly. This was taken October '08 during my date with the boyfriend. We were eating at KFC. Funny how I remembered the details. What urged me to do this post thread are the edited pictures of my young friends in facebook, particularly the boyfriend's younger sister. She's in high school and is in love with photo editing. :] I want to be young again and be obsessed with cameras, shoes, clothes, picnik, photoshop and ultimate crushes. Ahh, I must be getting older. 

What Kept Me Busy for the Past Weeks

I was unable to update my blogs for almost two weeks just because my internet connection had some technical problems. It's out of my control that their allocated frequency got stuck. Good thing they have fixed or else, I would have transferred to the other network. And what's even better is that I was able to spare myself from getting angry at my internet provider because I was so busy with work. I was bestowed with great responsibilities during my company's technical symposium *Ugh* And I have a project due the following week. *Double ugh* I got through the first one. I hope/believe/trust that I would be able to get through the second. *Cross fingers & Deep breaths* Here's the part when I am going to tell what happened to me during the week. What I meant when I said I was bestowed with great responsibilities:  No, I did not present a paper. I was the emcee for the afternoon session. It was a looong, fun and rich experience for me. I always thought tha...