Ooooh, Blogger Shirts
Yeah, because we're cool like that. My very good friend, J, told me we have to have our blog headers plastered on a shirt. And we ought to wear them when we go out. And, being the obedient and passive friend that I am, I said yes. So, off we had our very first blogger shirts made by a friend, R, who just started out the printing business and a blog. And when our orders came, we were very happy with the service. Take a look at our blogger shirts here. Neat, eh? JL authors Smize and Scratches . Of Bows and Frills is of JP's. And me, I own I Shall Not Speak, my private blog. I Shall Not Speak is a super private blog for my eyes only. Don't bother to come looking for it because the only reader that Blogger allows on that page is moi, and the posts are password protected. It's a dead bolt. Spare your fingers. The blog headers were all created by JL. He has a thing for this. It is extremely seldom that I let people step over my creative borders, JL is one o...