
Showing posts from July, 2012

What to Do When You Share a Love-Hate Relationship with Him/Her/It

It wouldn't be impossible for one not to experience a tormenting, i-love-you-so-much-but-i-hate-you-the-next-minute relationship with a couple of entities, tangible or not, human or not. At least, I am sure women go through this. He/She/It is the ultimate source of your disgust, angst and pain, yet, he/she/it serves as your medication, treatment, or worse, cure. Talk about complications and illogical reasoning. It is rather human to get through this phase. If he/she/it is something that you dearly love, then you are lucky if it's only a phase. For most, it develops into a permanent set of emotions. So, what to do if bad luck hits you and fate drags one of these he/she/it trappings into your life? Check out my typography about this dilemma. If this wouldn't work out for you, draft your own! Click on the picture to view larger version NOTE: And because it's my first ever life infographic and I am a slacker, I would want to state my correction via plain txt: Aft...

Why My Friday the 13th Ain't Freaky

I could still remember the first time I was told of the tale that was known as Friday the 13th. In fact, I can still recall the snapshot  (which was the canteen cashier, since it was break time) of the vision that my young brain has captured while listening to my classmate blab about how Freddy and Jason invades your dreams when you sleep on Friday the 13th. Okay. I guess I was a little freaked out. Hey I was in elementary. On how Friday the 13th came to be, I am unsure of. According to superstition, 13 is an unlucky number, signifying irregularity as 12 is the complete number (12 months in a year). And, Friday is an unlucky day. Now, I don't get why Friday is an unlucky day for them. It's my happy day. It's the day when I get to say goodbye to work. At least temporarily. So, two unlucky entities, when combined spells total bad luck. And they say, when 13 people dine in a table during Friday the 13th, one of them is supposed to die. They've associated this to The La...

Complimentary Tall Starbucks Drink for Me

Last Saturday, I've learned that killing time is also synonymous to gently giving your wallet a heart attack. Because we've got nothing to do on a lazy afternoon (right after sleeping an hour off), we had a sugar lust and headed to the nearest Starbucks. We were supposed to go to Tagaytay, but we decided to keep our strength for the Frisbee tournament the next day. And our heads were still buzzing from last night's partying. So, there we were in the perfect place, in the perfect time. Chilling out with the friends you're comfortable with plus great food and beverage is a great way of greeting twilight. See our orders below. (1) Pizza Sausage Roll - Php 95.00; (2) Oatmeal Cookie - Php 50.00; (3)  Choco Cream Chip {Tall} - Php 155.00; (4) Dark Mocha {Grande} - Php 175.00; (5)  Choco Cream Chip {Grande} - Php 165.00 We felt the need to stay clear of caffeine because of the reasons I have stated above. As usual, the Choco Chip Cream cheered me up. The Pizza Sausage Roll was...

Lord, I Am Counting: A BC Bloggers Meme

Count your blessings instead of sheep , goes a Christmas song by Jose Mari Chan, if I am not mistaken. And even though the Yuletide Season is months away, the BC Bloggers are still counting their blessings. It's a rather simple activity that can help us ease those relaxed jaws and blew the stress away. Making this a nightly habit would delight our Creator. If we think He's missing out on us just because we can't have what we want, then think again. You must've overlooked the good things that have happened to you today, for the past few weeks or maybe even for the past few years just because we are too busy complaining. My Lord, I thank Thee for all these. My Replenishing Thirst for Your Love and Your Words Last night, I don't know what has gotten into me. I started talking aloud to Him while I was alone in my room and it lasted for like thirty minutes and my heart has so much more to tell. But, I know that He need not hear my spoken thoughts because He clea...

This Blog is Subjected to Content Revamping

I used to be cool in typing away my thoughts. I don't know what happened. One theory I have is that I got LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen -- that exceedingly cold substance that the Captain sprayed upon the disgusting Lizard  if you have watched Spiderman 3) all over my body, fell down from the Eiffel Tower and all of my frozen molecules delicately spread in all directions upon touching the ground. In short, I got broken. Then, I suddenly stopped writing. And reading, for that matter. via If I re read my high school articles (yes, my mom keeps them for me because she thinks I am a genius and when I moved to my current  work city, she made me bring them. Cutesy, I know. She's the coolest.), I want to time travel and adorn my younger self with tulips. I write fabulously and I just don't write about the overrated love. Haha. I used to write criticisms about random things back then. Yes, I was cooler. Maybe it's time to take me back. I think it's time for this blog to ha...