Preserving Mankind with Kojie.san Men
Chick flicks have definitely influenced me when it comes to my idea of a perfect men, but I still bounce back to the real world and realize that no real life version of Channing Tatum can dance with me on a platform against a vermilion sunset as backdrop. So, I came up with my list on how a man can be manly and be an anti-jerk, putting in mind that I am still a real live person living in a real live world where men can always be men. So, how can one preserve the concept of manliness in this modern age of liberal views and cultural influences? 1. Don't bombard women with sequential and scheduled insults. I do not sincerely know what is wrong with guys like these, but telling a woman that she's fat is rude. Even if it is real or just something to irritate her, it is plain cruel. And, if you're officemates and you tell her stuff like this eveytime you eat breakfast together, don't wonder if she gets into a new breakfast club. 2. Don't reserve your gentlemanly ...