PLDT myDSL’s best commercial for me is…
Anna Banana, I love you a bunch... Raise your hand if you've had this song repeated in your head when Derek's "I love you proposal" in YouTube hit the country. I was too! And, I bet you are updated with Derek's lovelife and supporting family. The commercial has sequels. Here, let me refresh you. Derek wanna shout it out to the internet that he is in love with Anna by serenading her through YouTube. Unfortunately, just like all of us, little Derek got his heart broken. :( Too bad Anna doesn't like him back. But then, Aria the great came into the picture, or uh, video and cheered Derek up through a song. I love the piano recording and the two cute little boys in the background by the way. Aria. This girl is soo talented and cute. And lastly, the latest news about the Lorenzo family -- their dog Booster got lost. Oh no! I have dogs and I would be very very upset if one of them goes missing. Did they found Booster yet? Go watch the video! ...