Weekly Wishes { Week 1 | July 2014}
Ooops, skipped a week. No biggie though. I can be excused because I was sic k, remember? Anyway, last week was kind of a busy one since I'm back to schooling once again. And the square pics are from my Instagram account. (1)I made banana-chocolate pan breakfast for myself. (2)The juice with the paper straw was taken during my lunch-out with my LK buddies, the people I spent with during my Ireland days. (3)The sunny, LA-ish pic was take outside my office when I went home early. (4) Chilling on a swing over water in Magic Island, Boracay. (5) Me in PJ's when I was sick. I could almost taste that WAHM feeling. (6) Free choco-banana SB drink, which J and I didn't like. Thank heavens we didn't order it. I have to bribe myself to work. I have to go visit SB. (7) That saying was brilliant. Too bad you can't read it. Hah! Check out my instagram to read it, will you? (8) Flavors for the regular coffee. I chose Macadamia and it was divine. (9) Free candies for us when we...