I am absolutely in love with JGT all over again.
I just watched Inception today. OMG. I am getting old. I can't watch a great movie in time, but I wanted to thanks myself for treating out myself. I stopped writing articles this afternoon for the reason that my back hurt. So, instead, I gave in to movie watching. Yay me. I don't have time to review the movie, Inception. Maybe next time. My 24 hours is just too short for my every-weekend life. I need more time to blog and write articles. But anyway, I so appreciate the movie. Too bad I didn't watched it with him. If he was a movie, he'll be Inception. It is so him, deep and interesting and so darn smart. But anyway, back to JGT. I love him more than ever! :D I liked him during the Angels in the Outfield Days. I can still remember the fuzzy warm feeling around my heart everytime I watched the film. Hey, I was young! I'm infatuated with him in Ten Things About You. So cute. With his dimples and expressions and everything. I wished I was Summer Finn in 500...