
Showing posts from February, 2011

I am absolutely in love with JGT all over again.

I just watched Inception today. OMG. I am getting old. I can't watch a great movie in time, but I wanted to thanks myself for treating out myself. I stopped writing articles this afternoon for the reason that my back hurt. So, instead, I gave in to movie watching. Yay me. I don't have time to review the movie, Inception. Maybe next time. My 24 hours is just too short for my every-weekend life. I need more time to blog and write articles. But anyway, I so appreciate the movie. Too bad I didn't watched it with him. If he was a movie, he'll be Inception. It is so him, deep and interesting and so darn smart. But anyway, back to JGT. I love him more than ever! :D I liked him during the Angels in the Outfield Days. I can still remember the fuzzy warm feeling around my heart everytime I watched the film. Hey, I was young! I'm infatuated with him in Ten Things About You. So cute. With his dimples and expressions and everything. I wished I was Summer Finn in 500...

I Guess I'm Falling Deeper in Love

with life everyday. I don't know why, but I like it.  Maybe because I have finally discovered and devoted time in reading the bible. I bought one with a purple cover last January when I came back here in Cavite. The move of buying one just struck me. It also has colorful illustrations, which makes learning the Word of God more interesting.  Or maybe because I've finally realized that I love my job this afternoon when I have started debugging. I felt the rush to do the task and my hands are itching to make them work. At first, though, I was helpless since I still don't know how my department works, but I became familiar and comfortable after some time. The job that I have right now is the job that I've been envisioning during my college years -- interfacing the hardware with the software. I like making this combo work. :) I then again received my horoscope message from my mom. It's as if I am subscribing to a random surprise horoscope. It goes like this: You...

Who Do You Write Like?

High school made me love writing more. Maybe because of our Technical Writing Class which encourages us to write some features and freelance papers. I had my first online journal when I was eleven on MS Word. I had the bulky HP computer then. Too bad I haven't learned the art of back upping files back then. Reading my old journal entries would have made me smile or would force me to squirm. My major writing influences would be: love-centered topics - Sweet Valley Kids and Sweet Valley High; inspirational effect on my writing - Chicken Soup for the Soul; dramatic, dark touches on my articles - Lynne Ewing; magazine columnish style of writing - Candy Magazine, a local publication in our country and uber girly tone in my write-ups - a lot of chic lits. I stopped reading for a while now since I have a busy schedule, school work, and a the likes. I couldn't even finish the single book that I've purchased months ago from a book sale as I am always busy with work and blogging. I m...

Another Funky Badge, Yet Again

I love women silhouettes, faded prints and alluring fonts. Do you like it?

Confessions of a Psychotic Girlfriend

I'm a terrible person on the inside. Destructible and cruel. I killed Starfish. I tore all your love letters. I manually shred my diary about you. I tune up shred all our pictures. I never learned from any of them. Now, I kind of wished to go back to the time When colorful starfish was alive. (Poor baby.) When your written witty lines on construction paper are just waiting inside a shoebox to be read. (They were masterpieces. You always know I'm a fan of your write ups.) When I can still re-read my diary and blush over and over again. (I could have published it on tumblr.) When our old pictures can still be accessed, viewed and shared. (I should've sent them to the recycle bin instead.) Those moments when I realized that I could never bring back what I wish I could. When torn pieces of starfish were stuffed inside a plastic, Beside the plastic full of torn love letters, Mixed with my shredded pink, blue and violet diary sheets, I can no longer see the H...

Got my other blog listed at Bloglovin

Follow my blog with bloglovin Hey all. You can follow me there starting.. right now! Nice morning.

Friday Nights Are Really Good

Had fun at The Hooters last Friday night with Frisbuds! Gotta detail them up next time. (When I have time.) Too bad I can't spill out every juicy detail. {Ssshhh}