Who Do You Write Like?

High school made me love writing more. Maybe because of our Technical Writing Class which encourages us to write some features and freelance papers. I had my first online journal when I was eleven on MS Word. I had the bulky HP computer then. Too bad I haven't learned the art of back upping files back then. Reading my old journal entries would have made me smile or would force me to squirm. My major writing influences would be: love-centered topics - Sweet Valley Kids and Sweet Valley High; inspirational effect on my writing - Chicken Soup for the Soul; dramatic, dark touches on my articles - Lynne Ewing; magazine columnish style of writing - Candy Magazine, a local publication in our country and uber girly tone in my write-ups - a lot of chic lits. I stopped reading for a while now since I have a busy schedule, school work, and a the likes. I couldn't even finish the single book that I've purchased months ago from a book sale as I am always busy with work and blogging. I missed reading and the temporary, intense high that I derive from it.

I have stumbled upon an interesting site, well, for those who love to write anyway. It's called "I Write Like". All you have to do is copy paste your writings on the box provided and the algorithm behind their program would tell you the famous writer who you write like. Well, I've got a pretty consistent result, but it has a variety. Take a look at my results:

I write like
Chuck Palahniuk
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
William Gibson
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Cory Doctorow
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

You can click on the post title to see my work. Majority of my posts says that I write like Cory Doctorow, so I write like her then. Here are some of her books.


I would like to read her works soon and find out why I like write her. Don't have time for research. Maybe tomorrow. ;)


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