Birthday Gifts for The Dame

I've been procrastinating my birthday gifts post for weeks now. And since it's getting close to a month after my birthday, I am kind of obliged to do this post right now, before hitting the grocery store. I have been busy with work and hanging out with work friends.

Anyway, I'm in my twenties, but receiving gifts still gives me thrills. Haha. It wouldn't hurt receiving cute presents even if you're already working. So, here we go. 

I got this present from nana and nani, my rightfully single aunts. I was the first baby in the family so you can say that I was well-taken cared of. They gave me this in advance because they think it'll look pretty on me while I go attend a baby shower.

My mama gave me a gift -- black-and-red top cover and a giant Cadbury Milk Chocolate. Too bad I left the chocolate when I got back here in my worktown. But I got to wear the top when I went to the beach with mom and the dogs. I love it.

Some morning when I opened my drawer at work, I saw a tiny wrapped present. It's a birthday gift from my colleague and used-to-be buddy, Miss M. Yay! I instantly opened it and it's a studded Mickey cellphone pouch. It goes with my Mickey purple laptop bag. I'm no Mickey fan though, but I bought the bag weeks ago when my laptop bag gave in.

The next gift is from Mister J. He sure had me laughing when I received his present. Again, from my drawer. It's unwrapped, so I didn't have to waste efforts in tearing up gift wrappers. He gave me boxer shorts with printed maple leaves. Said it would make me feel as if I'm close to my boyfriend as he's on Canada right now. But the original message has a double meaing. Or so I thought.

Mister A gave me the cutest book! It's a little, doggy book. This would be helpful in my doggy blog. Colorful. Cute. Inspiring. And I definitely love it. I don't want to read everything in one seating because I'm like that. I want to savor the pages for a long time. The wrapper is also personalized. It's bondpaper full of sketched colors in abstract. He loves art and so he applied his skills on the gift. He knows the perfect gift for me. 

The next gift is moolah. Wee. From the boyfriend. Lol. I got it from Western Union and I bought these as my gifts. :D

a Php 300 hooded striped dress from Folded and Hung

cute pants from Lee Pipes

Books from Booksale: The Perfect Match, I'm Too Sexy for my Volvo and Quick Cooking Annual Recipes

Yeah Diary, colored sign pens and a black pen

My mom gave me a powerful gift. It's a prayer companion called Straight from the Heart and more than 100,000 copies of this book has been sold. The book comes with a bookmark and a personal message from her. :) I just so love her. She said the only thing that she can offer me sometimes are her prayers since she's living away from me. I so want her to move in with me with the dogs in the soonest time possible!

That's pretty much everything. I'm having a great time using these gifts. Hope I can be more thoughtful next time and give my friends gifts on their birthday, too. To my friends and families, I want to say, 

Thank you for these little treasures! 

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