with life everyday. I don't know why, but I like it. Maybe because I have finally discovered and devoted time in reading the bible. I bought one with a purple cover last January when I came back here in Cavite. The move of buying one just struck me. It also has colorful illustrations, which makes learning the Word of God more interesting. Or maybe because I've finally realized that I love my job this afternoon when I have started debugging. I felt the rush to do the task and my hands are itching to make them work. At first, though, I was helpless since I still don't know how my department works, but I became familiar and comfortable after some time. The job that I have right now is the job that I've been envisioning during my college years -- interfacing the hardware with the software. I like making this combo work. :) I then again received my horoscope message from my mom. It's as if I am subscribing to a random surprise horoscope. It goes like this: You...
I have made a pact with myself a few months ago to read all my electronic and communications books for the upcoming ECE board exams next year. However, when I got to the part,FAQs: The Internet & WWW, I had a hard time concentrating when my laptop with an internet connection is just a mere 4 feet away from me. Walking away from my boring study table and sitting on the shining throne sitting in front of my Compaq would be effortless. Congratulate me though, I finished reading the entire chapter before I plunge into this sweetest escape, the Internet. But first, I want to give credits to a bunch of geniuses for providing humanity an intangible space, in which they can boldly do incredible things. First off, to the US Military, for developing and deploying communications networks,one of which is the ARPANET, which is, in turn, believed to be the precursor of the Internet. To the National Science Foundation (NSF) for administering the research of the Internet. Basically, the Inte...
I just watched Inception today. OMG. I am getting old. I can't watch a great movie in time, but I wanted to thanks myself for treating out myself. I stopped writing articles this afternoon for the reason that my back hurt. So, instead, I gave in to movie watching. Yay me. I don't have time to review the movie, Inception. Maybe next time. My 24 hours is just too short for my every-weekend life. I need more time to blog and write articles. But anyway, I so appreciate the movie. Too bad I didn't watched it with him. If he was a movie, he'll be Inception. It is so him, deep and interesting and so darn smart. But anyway, back to JGT. I love him more than ever! :D I liked him during the Angels in the Outfield Days. I can still remember the fuzzy warm feeling around my heart everytime I watched the film. Hey, I was young! I'm infatuated with him in Ten Things About You. So cute. With his dimples and expressions and everything. I wished I was Summer Finn in 500...