A Post You'd Come Up with if You're in Busy Mode

Hi there.

I am so busy right now. My mom's here. And I feel guilty because I still have to work. Wrong estimation of my project timeline. Tsk.

Anyway, I have tons to blog next week. Mom's and my little getaways, food trips and shmoozes. And I am feeling heavy with my work, some officemates and lovelife. The latter, I wouldn't talk of after this post. And it's official. Nothing serious, but I sorta feel like this

I'd love to blab because I have lots to blab, but how can I with my mom's voice in the room. Can't. Seriously. Can't write if someone's with me. And we need to catch up. 

So, that's all for now. I just felt the need to detoxify through writing. And thanks for listening. I mean it. My blogs mean a lot to me. :}

And the picture? No connection. Just an upper for me. Nite! And oh, I'll visit your blogs soon. 

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