Scratching Challenge
I've stumbled into ZoeWrites and got interested in blogging about the Scratch off Challenge.
So, here.
I have/had piercings besides the ears.
I have many scars.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair colour.
I have a tattoo.
I have more then two piercings.
Disney movies still make me cry.
I've broken/dislocated a bone.
I've had my tonsils removed.
I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
I've had malaria.
I've had typhoid.
I've had jaundice.
I've been to the US.
I've been to Europe.
I've been to at least another country. (If Scotland counts then...)
I've seen a meteor shower.
I've kissed someone underwater.
I've chugged something.
I've crashed a car.
I've been skiing.
I've been in a musical.
I've auditioned for something.
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I've been threatened to be arrested.
I've broken the law.
I've been in a fist fight.
Someone close to me has attempted/commited suicide.
I have attempted suicide.
I've written an eulogy for myself.
I own over 10 music CD's.
I own over 5 electronic gadgets.
I'm obsessed with anime/manga.
I collected comic books.
I own a lot of make up.
I own gaming console(s).
I own a car.
I own a bike.
I thrive on compliments.
I thrive on hate.
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up easily to others.
I watch the news occasionally or always.
I like to kill bugs.
I'm a morning person.
I'm a sports cricket fanatic.
I've copied more then 30 CDs in a day.
I bake reasonably well.
My favourite colour is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red black, purple or orange.
I would wear pyjamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I can't sleep if there's a bug/insect in my room.
I'm really ticklish.
I bite my nails.
I'm good at remembering dates.
... Uses to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic.
... Call me fat.
... Say I'm skinny.
I'm at my thinnest.
I've lost weight and kept it off.
My weight affects my mood.
I diet.
I'm vegan/vegetarian.
I've fainted from exhaustion.
I've sworn at my parents.
I've run away from home.
I have siblings less then one years old.
I want kids.
I have had kids.
I've lost a child.
I'm engaged.
I'm married.
I'm a swinger.
I've gone on a blind date.
I have/had a friend with benefits.
I've gotten divorced.
I told someone I loved them when I didn't.
I've been kissed in the rain.
I've hugged a stranger.
I've kissed a stranger.
Bad times!
I regularly drink.
I can't swallow pills.
I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
I've been diagnosed with depression at some point.
I have anxiety problems.
I have taken/take anti-depressants.
I've plotted revenge.
There you go. I gotta sleep. I need to shut out some things. :X