52 Moments: Count me In!

Daydreaming made me to browse my favorite blogs. I always feel inspired after reading them. Maybe I can share to you the blogs that I have recently discovered so that you'll also experience the same high that lingers in my spirit. 

My thoughts brought me to my life list, my bucket list since January is about to end already. I wanted to know if I've done something good to the world, or to the people around me at least, or to myself that my good mood can enable me to do good things to other people. Sorry, but the latter is a selfish way of defending a good cause. 

My life list isn't just enough. I need something (aside from the Bible, Living Water 2012 [daily gospel], Everyday Happy book that are always on my bed) that can make me a better person. Then, I think He answered my prayer. Found this on Aileen's blog.

Every week, the founders have set a goal that anybody can take on. This would evoke emotions out of the participant. Make him realize things. Set him in the right direction. Give him the courage to do that one thing that he or she wants to do in life.

Currently, we're on week 3, but it's not too late to start. :} So, are you going to join me in this one? Click on the linky below.
52 Moments

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