I Must Have Done Something Good
A shot of Ceravix which made me cancel my usual Tuesday dusk jog. Tricycle rides just to take a bite of my all-time fave, Peach Mango Pie. Dried blue flowers squeezed in between the leaves of my things-to-do journal. Fairytale-ish Google theme which I kind of fancied. Anti-Valentine little pink books which can cheer up ill-tempered, realistic men and women a.k.a. curmudgeons.
A couple of news and little everyday actions, which I suppose can make me smile, were shoved on the palm of my peeling hands. (Blame Ariel and the Saturday chore.) So, yay! I'm telling you soon.
As for you, my lovelies, I'm encouraging you to get your shots of Ceravix to counter Cervical Cancer. Jog while listening to your favorite music (It'll give you the feeling that you're the super hot and uber pretty sporty chick in a music video. Seriously.) Give in to your gastronomic desires once in a while. Seek small, little things that make you smile. Visit booksales. Be not afraid of telling people of what you want from them. Never give up on somebody you love. Be there for them even though they appear like they don't need you at all.
Post Script. The moon is pretty tonight. Go tell Mother Luna your dreams before you close your eyes. She might whisper your dreams to the stars.
Poster Script. I am afraid of perfect days like this. Nevertheless, I enjoy every tender. bit. of. it.