Smitten by the Love Bug

It's February and I wanted my romantic side to take over. Better avoid 3 cheese pizzas because you'll get more of the said toppings from this post than you'd ever do your entire life. :) Okay, I am exaggerating.

As usual, if you want to be carried away with the moment, hit play.

At some point or another, I am sure you had your fair share of love infatuation fantasies. I mean, in a girly way. You're lazily lounging on your bed and you daydream... about your crush, or your boyfriend, or your husband. Then, you'd smile. Come peek into mine. 

I'd like to...
kiss you under a polka dot umbrella  under the pouring rain
share a glass of warm milk with you on a lazy Saturday morning
secretly hold hands with you
do concept photographyŸŸ  ŸŸwith you
re enact Little Mermaid's Kiss the Girl in a lagoon somewhere
play a white grand piano Ÿand sing for you
 have roadtrips with you and have stops for some carefree shots
watch countless episodes of Big Bang Theory with you all day
have you chase me around the lighted carousel
go snorkel and kiss some fishes while you hush the sharks away
lay by your side counting glow-in-the-dark stars ✮ and fall asleep
fall in and out of love with you over and over again 

You must find the last line confusing and wrong, but I'm weird that way. 

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