I Dream of Strawberries
Luscious strawberries as red as Snow White's lips. The biggest ones that I have ever seen. Each seed embedded on its perfect body makes the surrounding area protrude and shine. As it finally touched my lips, my heart went a flutter. I wrecked havoc on such a heavenly creation the moment I have incised its succulent flesh. It was a bittersweet moment. A sugary sensation erupted inside my mouth, its fruity aroma making its way through my nostrils, swirling all the way to my heart. It was my ambrosia. via Okay, that was a dream. I dreamt of eating the most delicious strawberries several nights ago. It was so vivid I was disappointed waking up and finding no strawberries on my bedside. Haha. And upon remembering my dream, I googled its meaning and I felt happy in a geeky, stupid kind of way. Read on. I got this dream interpretation from More dream interpretations: ~ To dream you see a strawberry, indicates that you will have incredible luck. {...