Mi Activity Dump

The past weeks have been fun and completely different for me. The only things that I have to battle off when attending to these extra-curricular activities are wallet thickness and the ticking of the clock. But that is still owkay.

Being the slacker that I am, pardon my mixed post about the stuff that I have been into lately. ;) Taran! 

Watched PBA for the first time! And we got free passes! Weee. Thanks to J and his connections. ;) The only person that I know in the court is James Yap. The games was between BMEG vs. Petron. Petron won. Aww, James Yap. The sour cream popcorn kind of disappointed me though. 

Slurped up some Frozen Yogurt with the Frisbelles (chicks fond of playing Ultimate Frisbee). M told me my yogurt, which we get to personalize is, still, well, gay. I'm still gay when it comes to food. Haha. Fruit loops, strawberries and vanilla flavored yogurt. Oh well.

Rekindling old friendship. S, my confidante ever since way back in high school. I love her to bits. Yesterday, we just spent the day bookstore hopping and looking at cute accessories. We ended up buying books. And we had this brilliant idea of book swapping starting next month, when we're going to see each other again hopefully.

And, I just saw the girl that I have been guarding during the last tourney. And, during the game, I asked her, "Diba ikaw yung binantayan ko dati?" And we shrieked, with matching hand to hand inside the field. In the middle of the game. Haha. She even left a comment on my blogpost about that tourney last time. Weeee, small world, small ultimate world. ;)

Bought my pink-and-black cleats! Weee. Another list to be strikethroughed. Have to buy sunscreens though it'll create a hole in my wallet. Thanks to the Php100 SM Gift cert. Kinda helped a little.

Credits to K, the one with the purple (and expensive) cleats
We had our first two games earlier. And we lost. Because we are only 11! Ahuhuhuhu. I wish to contribute more to the group next week and for the weeks to come. I am such a slow runner. Booyah. :( Hope to increase my blocks from 1. Haha.

Taken with Sylvie's phone cam. She was from Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan. Wowoweee. And I have goodies from her! :))) Do I look so happy? She told me I do. And she said, "
Stay this happy! Someone should make you smile more often..
Well, maybe I can. Now. Somebody unexpected liked the picture and it broke my heart. ;(((( But, I have to love myself first, don't you think? And, thanks to that someone who waited on me for well, half of the day. 

Nahayyt. Work mode tom. 

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