Painting my Thumb Green with Miracle-Gro

This post brought to you by Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.
Whenever my mom visits me here in my apartment, she always plant a variety from the cactus family on the plant box outside of our front wall. All I have to do is water them and pull out some weeds. Sadly, sometimes, they die.
Now, I am interested in fun garden projects because flowers, DIYs and LED lights in mason jars lit me up. I am trying something new. The last seeds that I have grown are monggo in little white cups. I was always fascinated on how the brim of the cup would crowd with newly sprouted monggo. But, I want to try something more adult and cute like this Origami Garden from The Gro Project. Here's a round up.
So you're gonna need a lot of art stuff like glue, rulers and a bright colored rope. You can always have your favorite items included. Or tweak some steps. Throw in some paint and design your cardboard. The most important item here is the Miracle-Gro for your cute little plant. Let's proceed with the steps.

There you have it! Your very own Origami Garden. You can always choose a different plant, cardboard and rope color. ;) Of course. If you are a little bit OC when it comes to your plant, then you can always shower her with Shake’n Feed All Purpose Plant Food and Moisture Control Potting Mix.
For more projects, watch The Gro Project Video below.
For inspiration, you can check out more gardening projects and ideas on Miracle-Gro's Pinterest Page here.Be updated with them by following their Facebook page here.
Happy gardening!!
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