Don't Cry

Last night, a close friend of mine tagged me in a video of a song which he made years ago, way back when we were in college. That would be like 5 years ago? I think. Anyway, he made this song as a reply to my letter to my dad who just passed away.

I had a central theme for my letter. It was about how we don't understand what's going on today, but eventually we will when we look back to it a few years or even a few days in the future. Nobody knows. So, let it be our quote of the day too.

We live life forward, but we can only understand it if we play it backwards.

I read it somewhere before, but I didn't know that this would inspire me to keep pushing through each day after that unfortunate one. Here's the song. You need to listen to it, I swear. Tell me what you think, okay? :)

Anyway, my friend E is so talented, eh? Those are his lyrics, not mine. He was just inspired by my letter. :) And, do you know that he is also the one who plays the guitar, piano and drums on the background? He recorded them separately and put the entire ensemble together. He is just talented. 

I am planning to forward more of my thoughts for him to write a song about. :)

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