Hello, August. Hello, Rain.

It's sweater weather once again in my country and oh how I love this weather, especially on weekend nights, when I am on my bed, rain heavily pouring on my rooftop and the cold seeping in through my blanket. My favorite cup of tea will be beside me while I read a book, all Yiruma songs filling up the entire space in my room until I fall asleep.

If Filipino hasn't been written in my birth certificate as my nationality, I would have believed that I were Japanese. Well, not physically though, but towards their great appreciation for rain. Do you know that the Japanese has 50 words for rain? Well, they do not have acid rain in the list, but they have created different names for different types of rain. (Sort of like me, creating different blogs for different interests).

They have 3 names for rain showers, a different one for rain alone and another one for rainfall. I am not quite sure where the difference lies. Rain can be a drizzle, heavy downpour or just the regular one. Hence, the Japanese have created different terms for rain of different rain intensities -- heavy rain, weak rain, drizzle, misty rain, severe rain and even severe localized downpour. In our local dialect, we have done the same, but I am pretty sure we have fewer versions for rain intensities.

Rain combos have tickled the Japanese's creativity and a result is the different names for rain combos. Rain + snow. Rain then snow. (Even the weather sequences urged them to create a new rain word.) Rain + Dew. Wind + Rain.

After the combos, there come the rain types -- night rain, seasonal rain, spring rain, winter rain, autumn rain, artificial rain, radioactive rain, welcome rain. Even a refreshing rain in ten days earned a name. And so does a rain from a cloudless sky.


How passionate they are about the rain. And so am I. Along with the pouring rain comes, my imagination speeds up uncontrollably that I have to blog and list down thoughts on my Retro Notes. I even have to answer a client on oDesk in between blog post paragraphs. I realized how loved I am. By my family. My cousins. My dogs. My aunts. And especially my mother who gave me a present on August even though my birthday is on April. My dreams things and how-my-future-should-be snapshots. Sometimes, rain disturbs my the part beneath my psychological iceberg and lets the ugly memories escape. Then, I would feel sad for a while. But then, I put them back where they belong and channel my rainspiration in order to create something beautiful. ;)

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