Another Post About Writing and Procrastination

You are now reading a book. Do you like my new layout? I think I am going to stick with this for quite a while. I wanted a simple, text-focused, clean layout for this blog. I stayed up late just to revamp this blog. I used to like having a layout which emphasizes pictures, but I guess I am creating a new photoblog this year. Will start it as soon as I can get my hands on Nikon D5200. Yay! I just can't concentrate enough if my layout is bugging me.

Finding the perfect font

Oh yeah. Guilty.

Anyway, I have been enjoying sleep and lazy afternoons here that I have forgot all about writing and I eat and surf the internet all the time. I have lagged on blogging again, but I'll be back because the layout is seducing me to write more. ;) I should really be writing more. To fulfill that promise, I have joined a challenge, a 500 words challenge.

Groins, the writer made this. He has an fb page put up for the interaction of this challenge. I have writed for 3 days already, but I miss on some days because, well, I am tired and I work on the side. Ever since I have started that, I have been getting lengthy, honest comments on my Lust Manifesto blog. You can join to have more encouragement from fellow writers. You can check out my #500wordschallenge on my poetry and book blog.

Yeah, so I guess I am stopping now, my eyes are shutting down. Maybe I should wake up at 6am just to write eh? Will try tomorrow. Bye. Talk to you later!

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