{J} is for Jolly for the Sunshine
This is like a good omen for my summer oh 14! I got a Sunshine award from the lovely Jean, yet again. Second since the Liebster Award . This girl must really like me as much as I like her. Thanks for tagging me , Jean.So, let's get it on! Oh wait! Jacqueline tagged me two. So this post goes to both of you, my blogger girls! The Rules: 1. Post a picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award (Made this on Canva since I am supah lazy these days for Photoshop) 2. Post 11 random facts about yourself 3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger 4. Link back to the blogger who nominated you 5. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world. (Be sure to notify them) 6. Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers Now, the Hard Part I'd like you to know that this is mandatory and not some kind of a narcissistic post again. Tagger says I should spill out 11 facts about myself. So h...