Weekly Wishes { Week 4 | May 2014 }
I am such a sucker for lists and goals that my brain does the forward trick, making me think of soooo many things at one time, making my body dead tired to do anything. Lol. Or maybe that is just my slacker excuse for being such a lazy ass. Now, I am going to tell you all about my failed goal tracker systems. FAILED GOAL TRACKER SYSTEM # 1 - Wordpress Daily Tracker Blog Anyway, I did a temporary blog on my goals. I called it, "How Did The Dame Do Today?" . I was only active for three months there. Hah. I had a following though. Wordpress can really get you readers. Makes me think of migrating my personal blog in there. But again, I am toooo lazy to do it and I am quite afraid I might lose some posts. It's an abandoned blog now. Oh, well. FAILED GOAL TRACKER SYSTEM # 2 - Monthly Goals Last month , I started this monthly goals. Complete with typography if I may say. It went well for... a day? Yeah, just with the goal-setting part. What a shame. The poster...