Hipster Summer Bikinis I Would Wear {If I Were Skinny Enough}

I always do this online bikini shopping when I am about to go on a summer getaway. When I get back to my home country, I swear I am going to a beach where you can actually swim in, not in one that's too cold enough even just for your toes.

So, yeah. I kind of piled up again the swim suit that I would preferably sashay in if I were slim enough. My dream one day is to have that surf-hot picture in a bikini taming a wave on a pink board. Hah! Sailor-inspired ones and the pin-up vintage feels are kind of overrated so take a look at my picks:

The Floral Straight-Cut

First of all, florals never bore me. Well, the non-curtain breed ones. I think the top has a sweet innocent cut. Don't know what it's called so I decided to call it straight cut. I think this would be a great cut for a bridal gown too. The bottoms though are kind of loud because of the added strings. I would prefer the plain black one with ribbons on the side.

The One Piece with Typography

Simple, yet classic chic, eh? Only if the suit would hug my delectable curves like that and my boobies would actually form out, then I would definitely wear this. I can maybe even do my own typography? Like Life Luster or Dreamer or .. Foodie? Haha.

The Cosmic Summer-spired

I've been digging for things in cosmic designs like football cleats, tops and even bags, but nothing has tickled my fancy here. No bikinis in cosmic here either. I figured an ethereal cosmic hipster would be cool on a paddleboard.

The Aztec One

There was this one morning when all I could manage to do is stare at Pinterest pics with Aztec skirts. They're really cute when you wear them on winter. However, again, I can't find them here. They're like just black and white and I saw a pic of the girlfriend of my cousin's boyfriend in a store selling these so maybe I should wait until I get back in my homecountry. And this is like 2 slumbers away!! So, yeah, I'm pumped.

The Fruity-tini

I love watermelons! They're pink and green! And pink and green look cute together with all those black seeds scattered. This fruity-tini is just too cute I would purchase them in a heartbeat given I lay my eyes on them in a store. Thinking they're suggestive? Oh no. Let me wear it and you'll never see seduction on any inch of my skin. Haha! So, please. If you know a store selling fruity-tini's, please tell me.
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